Dental Emergency? What Is It? How Do I Recognize it?

When to Seek Emergency Dental Treatment?

There are several situations that could make you need to seek emergency dental care. The situation that will most likely require an immediate trip to your dentist is if you are experiencing tooth pain. If a toothache strikes, call the dentist immediately and make an appointment as soon as possible.

You also need to visit the dentist if you have a broken or chipped tooth. You should schedule an appointment for these sorts of issues, rather than wait until there is no other option but extraction or cosmetic surgery (and possibly not even then).

If your mouth has been injured in some way—whether from biting down on something hard or dropping heavy objects on yourself—seek out emergency treatment immediately after realizing what has happened. Painful cuts and bleeding gums do not heal themselves; instead they worsen over time unless handled properly by a professional who can stitch up lacerations, repair fractured teeth and perform other necessary procedures without causing further damage.*

Different Types of Dental Emergencies

  • Toothache: The most common dental emergency is toothache. Toothache can be caused by decay, trauma or inflammation of the tissue surrounding your teeth. Toothaches often occur after eating something hot or cold, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and grinding your teeth at night.
  • Damage to the tooth: If you have had a blow to your mouth or experienced trauma resulting in a broken or chipped tooth, this could lead to an infection that causes swelling around the damaged area. This type of injury may require immediate repair by a dentist so that it does not result in further damage like abscesses and infections that spread throughout other areas of your body.
  • After falling and hitting your mouth on hard objects such as rocks or metal objects: Falling onto hard surfaces can also cause serious damage if there are sharp edges nearby which can cause injuries inside your mouth as well as outside on top where we tend not look as closely when inspecting ourselves for injuries after falling down stairs etcetera  (you know–just checking things off on our list).

You should be able to recognize when you need to go to an emergency dentist.

You should be able to recognize when you need to go to an emergency dentist.

The signs of an emergency situation include:

  • toothache
  • cut or burn on your mouth
  • broken tooth
  • infection in the gum or bone near a tooth that has been damaged or decayed (cavity)

Dental emergencies can be scary, but they can also be easily managed. The best way to prevent a dental emergency is to take care of your teeth at home and visit the dentist regularly. If you do experience one, though, it’s important not to panic. You will need to contact your dentist as soon as possible so that they can address your problem right away!

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