When dental implants go wrong

If you’ve just had dental implants put in, congrats! They’re probably the best investment you can make in your smile. But sometimes, things go wrong. It’s important to know what could happen if one of your implants fails and what you can do about it.

The dental implant failed to heal

Dental implants are not always successful. They can fail if they are not placed properly and/or the patient does not follow the post-operative instructions. If you have smoked or have gum disease, it’s more likely that your implant will fail than if you don’t have these risk factors.

There was a problem with the dental implant itself

Dental implant failure is a very rare occurrence. Dental implants are made of titanium and other metals, which are placed in the jawbone, which is a living tissue. If the dental implant is not properly inserted into your jawbone, it can fail to heal correctly or fall out completely.

Doctor looking into the mouth, checking, examining teeth

An infection occurred

Infection is a common problem with dental implants. It can occur at any time, but it’s most likely to happen within the first year of having your new tooth in place.

If you get an infection, it will usually cause swelling and pain around your gums and jawbone where the implant is inserted. You might also notice redness or pus coming from around your implant site as well as bad breath caused by bacteria growing on top of damaged tissue due to poor oral hygiene (not brushing properly).

If you experience these symptoms after receiving treatment for an existing dental problem like tooth decay or gum disease, then seek medical attention immediately – especially if they don’t go away after a few days’ rest without causing further damage such as swelling around other parts of your face too!

Our Treatment Warranty Your Peace of Mind

Like any medical treatment, dental implants are extremely predictable but can fail on occasion.
We’ve devised a comprehensive warranty to protect your investment and give you absolute peace of mind.

The bone didn’t grow around it properly

When you get a dental implant, it’s important that the bone grows around it properly. This process can take up to a year. The implant must be placed in the right place, and then fixed firmly into the bone. The implant must also be healthy and strong enough for your body to accept it as part of its own structure.

If any of these things don’t happen correctly or completely, there will be problems with your dental implants:

Your tooth broke off

If your tooth breaks off, you can get it replaced with a dental implant. The same is true if an implant breaks off. But how do you know which one happened? And what do you do next?

Here are some tips:

  • If your tooth has broken off, but no longer hurts or feels loose in its socket, don’t worry. This can happen if there’s not enough bone around the implant to support it properly–it may need more time to heal before being replaced by an artificial tooth (or “prosthetic”).
  • On the other hand, if your pain continues after several months and there’s still no sign of healing on X-rays (or even worse: if there’s bone loss), then something else might be wrong–and maybe even serious enough for immediate treatment by a dentist who specializes in oral surgery or dental implants!

Dental implants don’t always work, but if the problem is discovered early, there’s a good chance you can fix it.

Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss. They can be more comfortable than dentures, and they’re often more attractive than bridges. If you have dental implants, you’ll be able to eat anything you want without having your teeth or gums damaged by hard foods such as nuts or ice cream.

Dental implants aren’t always successful–but if the problem is discovered early enough, there’s a good chance that it can be fixed with another operation called an extraction socket grafting procedure (ESGP).

Dental implants are a great way to fix missing teeth. They can last for years, but they’re not guaranteed to work. If you have problems with your dental implant or it fails, don’t panic! It’s important that you see your dentist right away so they can diagnose the issue before it gets worse and more expensive to fix.

(954) 787-4144

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